Travel Words in Spanish: Volcán Arenal

Arenal Volcano
Arenal Volcano*

Podcast Summary

In this accompanying podcast, we talk about traveling to Arenal Volcano National Park in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a Spanish speaking country in Latin America. This blog post is a fantastic resource that can help augment what you learnt in the podcast episode.This blog post will explore useful Spanish travel phrases, covering a variety of topics, making it an excellent resource for comprehensible input. Let’s break down the key travel words in Spanish you’ll learn, along with example sentences from the podcast.


Travel and Direction Vocabulary in Spanish

In the following list, you will find key Spanish travel words along with example sentences from our featured podcast. These examples will show you how each word is used in context, making it easier for you to remember and use them in real-life situations. So, let’s dive into the world of Spanish travel vocabulary and equip ourselves with the language tools needed for a successful and enriching travel experience. The following words cover modes of transport and nouns you encounter while traveling in the podcast.

  • autobús – bus
    Desde San José, puede tomar un autobús o un coche.
    (From San José, you can take a bus or a car.)

  • coche – car
    Desde San José, puede tomar un autobús o un coche.
    (From San José, you can take a bus or a car.)

  • billete – ticket
    Compre un billete a La Fortuna.
    (Buy a ticket to La Fortuna.)

  • pueblo – town
    La Fortuna es un pueblo cercano al parque.
    (La Fortuna is a town near the park.)

  • carretera – road
    La carretera es preciosa y hay muchas cosas que ver.
    (The road is beautiful and there are many things to see.)

  • indicaciones – directions
    Siga las indicaciones a Alajuela y después a La Fortuna.
    (Follow the directions to Alajuela and then to La Fortuna.)

Nature words in Spanish

Exploring the great outdoors is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, especially when traveling in a Spanish-speaking country. In this sub-section, we will cover some essential outdoor travel vocabulary words in Spanish, along with basic phrases that will help you describe and appreciate the natural environment around you. Whether you’re hiking through lush forests, admiring stunning waterfalls, or observing local wildlife, these words will enhance your ability to communicate your experiences.

Understanding outdoor vocabulary is not only useful for travel but also enriches your overall language learning journey. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you’ll be able to describe the breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems you encounter. This can make your conversations with locals more engaging and meaningful, as you’ll be able to share your observations and experiences more vividly.

In the following list, you’ll find key Spanish words related to nature and outdoor activities.

  • volcán – volcano
    El Volcán Arenal es muy grande y bonito.
    (The Arenal Volcano is very large and beautiful.)

  • naturaleza – nature
    Hay mucha naturaleza. Hay árboles, flores y ríos.
    (There is a lot of nature. There are trees, flowers, and rivers.)

  • árboles – trees
    Hay árboles, flores y ríos.
    (There are trees, flowers, and rivers.)

  • flores – flowers
    Hay árboles, flores y ríos.
    (There are trees, flowers, and rivers.)

  • ríos – rivers
    Hay árboles, flores y ríos.
    (There are trees, flowers, and rivers.)

  • verde – green
    El parque es muy verde.
    (The park is very green.)

  • cascadas – waterfalls
    En el parque, hay cascadas.
    (In the park, there are waterfalls.)

  • lago – lake
    El lago es grande y tranquilo.
    (The lake is large and tranquil.)

  • animales – animals
    Puedes ver árboles, flores y animales.
    (You can see trees, flowers, and animals.)

Outdoor Activity Vocabulary in Spanish

In this section, we will introduce you to some essential outdoor activity terms that will help you navigate and enjoy various adventures. Whether you’re hiking along scenic trails, relaxing in hot springs, or capturing the beauty of your surroundings with photos, these words will come in handy.

Imagine starting your day with a peaceful walk along the senderos (trails), where you can appreciate the natural beauty around you. If you’re looking for a more relaxing experience, consider visiting the aguas termales (hot springs) to unwind and rejuvenate. Don’t forget to bring your camera to take fotos (photos) of the stunning landscapes you encounter.

For those who love water activities, a paseo en bote (boat ride) on Lake Arenal offers a serene way to explore the area. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even nadar (swim) in the refreshing waters. These activities not only provide enjoyment but also offer a practical way to enhance your Spanish vocabulary in real-life contexts. So, let’s dive into these outdoor adventure words and basic spanish phrases and expand your language skills!

  • caminar – to walk
    Primero, puedes caminar por los senderos.
  • senderos – trails
    Hay muchos caminos bonitos.
  • aguas termales – hot springs
    También puedes visitar las aguas termales.
  • fotos – photos
    Puedes tomar fotos y disfrutar de la vista.
  • paseo en bote – boat ride
    También puedes hacer un paseo en bote en el Lago Arenal.
  • nadar – to swim
    Puedes nadar en el agua fresca.

Weather and Seasons

Understanding the weather and seasons is essential for planning your activities and knowing what to wear. In this section, we will explore some basic vocabulary related to weather and seasons in Spanish. This will help you describe the climate and prepare for different weather conditions.

In verano (summer), which lasts from December to April, the weather is hot and sunny. You will often experience calor(heat) during these months, so it’s a great time to enjoy outdoor activities. On the other hand, invierno (winter) spans from May to November, and it rains a lot during this period. You might hear people say llueve (it rains) frequently.

The temperatura (temperature) typically ranges from twenty-five to thirty grados (degrees), so it’s important to dress appropriately. Even though it can be warm, it’s always good to carry a suéter (sweater) and an impermeable (raincoat) to stay comfortable and dry.

By learning these terms, you’ll be better equipped to talk about the weather and seasons in Spanish, making your basic Spanish travel conversations more engaging and informative. Let’s dive into these words and get ready for any weather!

  • verano – summer
    En verano, de diciembre a abril, hace calor y hay mucho sol.
    (In summer, from December to April, it is hot and sunny.)

  • invierno – winter
    En invierno, de mayo a noviembre, llueve mucho.
    (In winter, from May to November, it rains a lot.)

  • calor – heat
    En verano, de diciembre a abril, hace calor y hay mucho sol.
    (In summer, from December to April, it is hot and sunny.)

  • llueve – it rains
    En invierno, de mayo a noviembre, llueve mucho.
    (In winter, from May to November, it rains a lot.)

  • temperatura – temperature
    La temperatura es de veinticinco a treinta grados.
    (The temperature is between twenty-five and thirty degrees.)

  • grados – degrees
    La temperatura es de veinticinco a treinta grados.
    (The temperature is between twenty-five and thirty degrees.)

  • suéter – sweater
    Siempre es bueno llevar un suéter y un impermeable.
    (It is always good to bring a sweater and a raincoat.)

  • impermeable – raincoat
    Siempre es bueno llevar un suéter y un impermeable.
    (It is always good to bring a sweater and a raincoat.)

Wildlife in Spanish

Exploring the diverse wildlife is an exciting way to connect with nature and practice your Spanish vocabulary. In this section, we will introduce you to some common animals you might encounter and their Spanish names. This will help you describe these creatures and enhance your language skills.

Imagine walking through a lush park and spotting monos (monkeys). These small and playful animals are sure to bring a smile to your face. You might also come across perezosos (sloths), known for their slow movements and long naps. They are fascinating creatures to observe.

The park is also home to many pájaros (birds). These birds come in a variety of colors, making the scenery even more beautiful. Keep an eye out for the vibrant feathers and listen to their melodious songs.

Lastly, don’t forget to look for ranas (frogs). These small, green amphibians are often found near water and are fun to watch as they hop around.

By learning these animal names, you’ll be able to talk about wildlife in Spanish and make your nature walks more engaging. Let’s look at a list of animals in Spanish and expand your vocabulary!

  • monos – monkeys
    Puedes ver monos. Los monos son pequeños y muy divertidos.
    (You can see monkeys. The monkeys are small and very funny.)

  • perezosos – sloths
    También hay perezosos. Los perezosos son lentos y duermen mucho.
    (There are also sloths. The sloths are slow and sleep a lot.)

  • pájaros – birds
    En el parque, hay muchos pájaros. Los pájaros tienen muchos colores.
    (In the park, there are many birds. The birds have many colors.)

  • ranas – frogs
    También hay ranas. Las ranas son pequeñas y verdes.
    (There are also frogs. The frogs are small and green.)

Useful Spanish Phrases for Travelers

We have covered some of the travel words in Spanish coverd in the podcast. When traveling in Latin America, especially in Costa Rica, knowing some basic Spanish words for travel can be incredibly helpful. Here are some useful Spanish phrases for travelers:

  • Buenos días – Good morning
    Buenos días, ¿cómo está?
    (Good morning, how are you?)

  • Buenas tardes – Good afternoon
    Buenas tardes, ¿dónde está el parque?
    (Good afternoon, where is the park?)

  • Buenas noches – Good evening
    Buenas noches, ¿a qué hora cierra el parque?
    (Good evening, what time does the park close?)

  • ¿Dónde está…? – Where is…?
    ¿Dónde está el baño?
    (Where is the bathroom?)

  • ¿Cuánto cuesta? – How much does it cost?
    ¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada al parque?
    (How much is the entrance to the park?)

  • Por favor – Please
    Una mesa para dos, por favor.
    (A table for two, please.)

  • Gracias – Thank you
    Gracias por su ayuda.
    (Thank you for your help.)

  • Perdón – Excuse me
    Perdón, ¿puede ayudarme?
    (Excuse me, can you help me?)

Spanish Grammar Tips

Understanding some basic Spanish grammar can enhance your language learning experience. Here are a few tips:

  • Gender of Nouns: In Spanish, nouns have genders. For example, “el volcán” (the volcano) is masculine, while “la naturaleza” (the nature) is feminine.
  • Verb Conjugation: Spanish verbs change form based on the subject. For example, “yo camino” (I walk) and “nosotros caminamos” (we walk).
  • Adjective Agreement: Adjectives must agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe. For example, “el lago grande” (the large lake) and “las cascadas grandes” (the large waterfalls).


This blog post introduced some of the Spanish vacation words. The accompanying podcast not only helps you learn new vocabulary but also immerses you in the beautiful and diverse environment of Costa Rica. Whether you’re interested in travel, nature, or simply expanding your Spanish vocabulary, this podcast is a valuable resource. Hope this helps you start learning new words and phrases quickly. Happy learning!



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